10 am Sunday Morning service

The service lasts for 75 minutes and usually includes a children’s talk, hymns, prayers, Bible readings, and a sermon.

We celebrate communion on the second Sunday of each month. After our quarterly communion services (March, June, September, and December) we have a shared lunch in the St John’s Centre.

monthly Indonesian Church Service

A monthly service held in Bahasa Indonesian. Join us if you are interested in a church service in our first language.


Easter services

Palm Sunday – 10 am
Fellowship Group Easter service – 11 am
Good Friday – 10 am
Easter Sunday – 10 am

Christmas nativity scene

Christmas services

Carol service on the Sunday before Christmas - 10 am
Christmas Eve - 6 pm
Christmas Day - 10 am

Picnic church at the Troup Picnic Lawn at  Otari-Wilton's Bush

Picnic Church

Once a year around early March we have a picnic church service at the Troup Picnic Lawn at Otari-Wilton’s Bush. Just bring along a picnic blanket and some lunch.

Scots College services

Scots College usually have three services at St John’s during the year around Easter, Christmas, and Founders’ Weekend in August. The different Houses also join us occasionally.