Tax rebate

St John’s in the City is a registered charity so all donations over $5 are eligible for the rebate of 33 cents in the dollar against tax paid. We can help you claim that too if you need advice, or more details can be found on the IRD’s website.

Tax receipts will be available after 31 March.

Charities Commission Registration Number CC52189

GST Number 010 575 818

Donor Number

If you wish to keep your giving completely confidential, please click the contact button below to get in touch with the Envelope Secretary. They can provide you with a donor number.



In addition to our weekly collection during the service, you can donate in the following ways

Our preferred donation methods are listed below. We also accept cash and cheques. However, please note that we incur extra fees when banking cheques, so if you can use online methods instead, more of your donation can be used for what you want it to be used for.


Bank Transfers

Bank:  BNZ
Branch:  Wellington
Account Name:  St John’s Presbyterian Church
Account Number:  02 0500 0021908 00
Particulars: (Your name/donor number)
Reference: General

Including all these details will help us to make sure that you are issued with an accurate tax receipt.

Special building

Donate online by Card

Online donations to the St John’s Earthquake Strengthening Project Givealittle fund

Bank transfers

Bank:  BNZ
Branch:  Wellington
Account Name:  St John’s Presbyterian Church
Account Number: 02 0500 0021908 01
Particulars: (Your name)
Reference: Earthquake

Including all these details will help us to make sure that you are issued with an accurate tax receipt.

See the latest project update information.


Like those faithful servants who have gone before us, you may want to leave an enduring gift of faith in the form of a legacy to the mission and ministry of St John’s. Making a gift in your will is easy to do. It does not affect your current day-to-day living, and enables you to express the hope of your faith for the sake of future generations. You can make such a bequest to St John’s in the City when writing or updating your will, or by adding an additional clause to your current will. Your legal advisor can offer professional advice as to your options, and you can talk to the St John’s Treasurer who can explain more and discuss your preferences with absolute confidentiality.

Please click the contact button below to send us a message with your contact details and we’ll be in touch.